How To Make Her Like You

Since the beginning time, when men were dragging their knuckles on the ground, men have been chasing women. To make the process of finding and attaining that woman a little easier, the question arises, how do I make her want me?

Well, its not as difficult as you think and that is why any man can have any woman they want if they follow these simple rules:

1) Listen - When you are with her, do you listen to what she is saying? Allot of times, you don't have to say a word, just listen to what she has to say and don't make suggestions or try to fix her problem. Let her speak and if she asks for your opinion then give it.

2) Confidence - Always display confidence in how you handle yourself, how you dress, how you speak, how you walk, and how you act around her. The little things always show confidence, standing up straight, don't slouch, speak clearly and direct, make continuous eye contact while talking to her.

3) Chivalry - Prove to her that you are gentleman, don't say you are, be one! Open doors, pull out chairs, hold her hand, give her a kiss on the cheek when you meet. Its amazing how many men skip over these little things. Remember, chivalry is in the details as well as the grand gestures.

4) Needy - Do not come off as needy, this is the fastest way to run off a women. For example, don't keep bombarding her with text or phone calls, less is more. As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

5) Mystery - This is the opposite of being needy, when she ask you a question try not to answer it directly. For example, when a woman ask me what I do for a living, I tell her I sale roses on the corner. It makes her laugh and keeps a mystery around me because she cant figure me out. When a woman cannot figure you out it makes you attractive.

6) Humor - this last trait fits in with keeping mystery surrounding you. Answer her questions with in a humorous tone. For example, when she ask if I have kids I tell her not in the USA. Or, when she ask how long I have been on, I tell her not long, just 10 to 12 years and I have made a couple of friends ;)

Utilize the above tips to make her want you when she is with you. The best thing about the above tips is that anyone can implement them, they don't cost a dime, and you will get better at doing them each time you utilize them. Good luck!

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