The big problem with finding good relationship advice

The big problem with finding good relationship advice is that it is nearly all written by women for women. Men often ask themselves if they speak the same language as their girlfriend. They often get into trouble simply because they do not understand her and fail to react as she would like them to. You men must understand certain ground rules if you are to succeed with women.

When your girlfriend isn't talking to you, ask yourself what you have done to upset her. Most men stop talking when they have nothing further to say, but women use their silence as a punishment.

If she is in a difficult mood it is not always because of her periods, so don't always assume that they are annoyed because of this; it may be you who has upset them for some reason. So when things are difficult don't assume it is always her periods or you will likely have some trouble keeping a girlfriend

You have no doubt noticed that women love discussing their problems, but by this do not think that they are looking to you to arrange things for them. They are perfectly capable of managing themselves but they like talking, so let them talk and leave them to solve their own problems.

If you are seeking good relationship advice for men, be careful where you look. Don't go to her father to ask what is troubling as he will likely have no better idea than you. You will, however, leave him wondering what you have done to upset her as in his eyes it is you who has done something wrong and not the daughter he adores.

Women also have memories like an elephant and so don't be astonished if she remembers all the mistakes you have made over the last few months.

Communicate as much as you can with her and let her know how much you are grateful to her. Give her a hug from time to time without expecting anything else. Everybody likes to be appreciated and women particularly like to be appreciated without being expected to give you something in return.
Great Relationship Advice For Men
When you have a problem remember that you can discuss it with her as she may be able to help you solve it. If you don't and she knows about it she may distance herself emotionally as she may think you are thinking of leaving her or you are having an affair with someone else.

Long term relationships require a lot of attention and work from both the partners, but always take care where you seek good relationship advice for men.

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