When Your Marriage Needs Help

The pain caused by someone you care about as much as your partner may be impossible to deal with. Most of us have preconceived ideas about how our spouses ought to treat us. They expect mistreatment from other people, but not from our spouses. keep in mind that as human beings, they regularly think, feel & behave in ways that are hurtful, even toward those they love. Flawed people treat each other in flawed ways; so no matter how much they care, we'll sometimes hurt each other.

All marriage experiences issues. No matter how long you have been married whether year or 40 years you will have issues. Marital issues can be intense & painful, & those hurts can cut deeply & last a long time.

Ask other couples what it took to build a powerful & successful marriage. Rest assured that their strong marriages did not create overnight. They experienced a number of the same issues you have. Reason their marriages are strong today is that they were committed to the idea that no matter what obstacles they faced, they would learn to manage their issues & overcome crisis on an ongoing basis.

Your marriage is not doomed because you hurt another, have difficulty communicating or have disagreements over important issues. Couples have been experiencing & solving issues on their own beginning with Adam & Eve, & continuing to this day. The more experience & maturity a couple develops in a wedding, the more success gained in managing & solving issues. God created us with the ability to successfully manage relationships in a healthy & productive way.

As you read these articles, understand that the principles we are proposing are not intended to deal with every issue that couples deal with in marriage. They don't need to insinuate that you ought to stay in a situation where your safety or the safety of your relatives is in danger. In case you are in a relationship where your partner displays any of the following signs, seek help immediately:

* Physically abusive
* Displays signs of a significant mental illness
* Has a major chemical imbalance
* Threatens the safety of you or your children

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