How to Be a Good Friend

Studies show that having a well-balanced social life helps promote a healthy attitude toward
life. This does not insinuate you need to be the life of every party, but it does mean developing strong bonds that can help you through the ups and downs of the world. In order to have great friends, though, you also need to be. Not sure in the event you are? Here are some tips.

Be there for them when they need you, not when you need something from them. Lovely friends don't call up people only to request a favor. While knowing people that can help you out is important, it is equally important not to abuse the relationship. Focus on what your mate is going through at the moment. Are they happy? A tiny lonely? Perhaps they need to speak about their infant going away to college or the fact that they are worried about their in-laws. Regardless of the situation, put yourself second and listen to what is being said directly and implied in their conversations.

Don't wait for friends to call you. Make an hard work to keep in contact with people. Everyone is busy, but in the event you need to maintain lovely friendships you ought to be proactive about communications. It doesn't mean you need to sit on the phone for hours a day, but it does mean you send an e-mail, a card, or give them a rapid call to let them know you are thinking about them.

Reply to them in a timely manner. There is nothing more frustrating than sending a mate an e-mail or note, and having them ignore it because they are "too busy." Everyone is busy. If somebody is your mate, you make the hard work to be kind to them. Responding to their questions and requests is way you can do that.

Don't be part of the gossip train. Bad mouthing people you call friends is of the worst things you can do. Don't be catty or speak about them behind their backs. Don't hang around with somebody so you can return to somebody else and speak about your mate. Choose in the event you are someone's mate, or not, and act accordingly.

Be happy for them. It may sound ridiculous, but some folks cannot be happy at their friend's successes. Don't be somebody that is only in for complaining about life. When your mate hits it huge - celebrate with them. When they are interviewing for a brand spanking new job - pull for them. When they need to find love - be gracious and supportive when they find it. There is nothing better in the world than having people that support and care about you. Go out of your way to show your support for your mate.

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